Deep Madder Symposium 1


As noted below, on 26 January 2011 we held the first Deep Madder Symposium. Guests, which comprised of subscribers to Deep Madder Monthly and our friends (which are essentially inextricable), gathered at the Spadina Road house in which Mr Hubbarde and our friend/subscriber Ms L. Ulrich live for an evening of formality, introspection, and vulnerability. In attendance, apart from the editors, were, in order of arrival, said Ms L. Ulrich, Mr Z. Xu, Ms C. Booth, Ms P. Clark, Ms S. Hardman, and Mr R. Cole. To our pleasant surprise, guests almost completely conformed to the Rule Book For Future Deep Madder Functions, in attire as well as in social comportment (e.g. refraining from romantic pairing). We very much appreciate their (your) diligent observation of our ideals and participatory presence at this event; the fine cheese and humble crackers we served hopefully offered a tacit reminder of our appreciation.

First, the editors read from the 24th issue, to animate content that is normally relegated to the page. Questions and comments were taken on various features and many discussions were had. A 17-question test we wrote the day before, meant to determine one’s congruence with the Deep Madderian subjectivity, was distributed to everyone present, the results of which we compiled for future scrutiny. Then we read from the 25th issue, from which we derived much conversation and debate with guests. Lastly, we played a game called Judging, in which we were to assess the merit of subjects of given scenarios. The debate arising from the first and only scenario we were able to offer was so fervently argued by either side that it took almost two hours, at the end of which it was far too late to continue any activities.

Since we were thus unable to read and discuss the two other most recent issues that we had planned for, another symposium will be scheduled relatively soon, perhaps for March, at which point we will hopefully have several new issues to disseminate to subscribers.